Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Snippet of the day

Okay, I lied. I did write a little bit. Here's today's snippage:

The Lady and her castellan stood on a low hill overlooking the burning town. The rattle of distant gunfire and the muffled thump of explosions competed with the sound of songbirds perched in the cedars about them.

1 comment:

Darwin said...

If you're working full time, like I know we both are Fran, writing naturally takes a back seat. It's nothing to be guilty of, especially considering all the things you have going on in your life right now.

As for "do I have to blog?", not unless you want to. I'm a bit perturbed, though. Blogger had a blurb that they'd added a feature that allowed non-blogger account people to post comments without having to generate an account. I'm beginning to see that they're not exactly doing great with their software.