Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Well, here it is.

Greetings, web-wanderers. Welcome to the blog of Darwin Garrison, wannabe writer, model airplane designer, cog in the corporate wheel of the heavy truck industry, husband of Tammy and father to Kyle, Sabrina, and Erin.

To say that I'm eclectic in my interests is an understatement. ;)

So, why the blog? Well, my friend and writing partner Kate started one and, in order to post a reply, I had to start an account. Not the most auspicious way to start something like this, but oh, well.

What do I write? Speculative fiction (i.e. fantasy and sci-fi). I tend toward things military, but I'm not roped to it. I'm trying to focus on novel-length works since that's where what little money there is in the industry lives, but I do occasionally dabble in shorts if there's a topic that strikes me that way.

What's the deal with the model airplanes? Long story. I fly models. It's what people who want to fly real planes do when they can't afford lessons or a plane big enough to fly themselves. I tried to start a model airplane business and make kits, which turned into a real boondoggle. Still, I like to fly and I like to design. I also write articles for an on-line RC mag when I have time.

What's my current focus? Settling into our new house and working with my partner Kate Paulk on a collaborative urban fantasy novel called Spell Weaver. That's in-between shuffling kids around for their various activities of course. I'm also waiting on word about a short story I submitted to the Writers of the Future contest.

Mood: Mellow-resigned, as is common when I don't get enough sleep.